The move to cloud based computing has become less of a debate and more of a reality. However, experience in setting up a cloud infrastructure from scratch or migrating from your existing approach to a cloud native environment, is scarce and the quality of this move is key for the future success of your IT strategy. We have a successful track record of providing Kubernetes consulting in 香港 in the context of following topics:

  • Cloud infrastructure setup with creation of Organisational unit and enterprise grade sub account structure according to best practices
  • Integration of user login with your company’s people’s directory system (Active Directory, Okta, etc)
  • Lift and Shift of your applications into cloud native services with the containerization and respective logic refactoring required
  • Infrastructure as Code of your entire stack. Typically in Terraform, however, we have also worked with Ansible, CDK and other stacks.


我們的顧問團隊經過 CKA、CKAD 和 CKS 專家認證,在為包括政府和企業組織在內的廣泛客戶設計、部署和維護 Kubernetes 解決方案方面擁有豐富的經驗。我們提供一系列培訓課程,從入門級到高級,以及 CKA、CKAD 和 CKS 認證考試的準備。此外,我們的團隊還提供開發服務,以創建針對特定需求量身定製的解決方案。

無論您是想構建基於 Kubernetes 的新應用程式還是優化現有應用程式,我們的認證專家都擁有説明您取得成功的技能和經驗。

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