

  • Why use Protractor?

Setup and Installation

How Protractor Works

Overview of Protractor Syntax

Understanding Promises and Promise-Based Tests

A Sample Web Application

Setting up Your SUT (System Under Test)

Writing Your First Test

Unit Testing Javascript with Jasmin or Mocha

Driving the Browser with Selenium WebDriver, Chai WebDriver, directConnect

Locating and Interacting with Web Elements

Accessing Web Elements through Page Objects

Executing the Test

Generating Test Reports

Debugging Protractor Tests

Making Your Test Code Maintainable and Easy to Read

Mocking HTTP Requests

Integrating Cucumber with Protractor for BDD (Behavior Driven Development)

Scaling Tests over Multiple Browsers and Systems with Selenium Grid

Integrating Protractor into Your Development Workflow (Git, Jenkins, etc.)

Summary and Conclusion


  • Experience working with Javascript and node.js.
  • Basic understanding of Angular web applications.
  • Basic understanding of automation testing.


  • Web developers
  • Automation test engineers
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