
  1. Writing your rules
    1. Available rule engines
    2. Stating rules decoratively
    3. Extending rules
  2. Create unit tests for the rules
    1. Available test frameworks
    2. Running tests automatically
  3. Creating GUI for the rules
    1. Available frameworks
    2. GUI design principles
  4. Integrating logic with the GUI
    1. Running rules in the browser
    2. Ajax
    3. Decision tables
  5. Create functional tests for the GUI
    1. Available frameworks
    2. Testing against multiple browsers


Basic of programming languages, ideally familiarity with HTML and JavaScript

 21 時間:



客戶評論 (5)


Building Interactive Applications with React, Redux and GraphQL

28 時間:

Spring Boot, React, and Redux

14 時間:

Managing Vue JS State with Vuex

7 時間:

Next.js 14 Advanced Development

21 時間:

React with Next.js

14 時間:

Managing React State with MobX

14 時間:

Material UI

7 時間:

Ant Design

7 時間:

NestJS: Beginner to Advanced

14 時間:

REST API Development with LoopBack

14 時間:

Building Web Apps using the MEAN stack

35 時間:

Node.js & Express.js Basics, working with PM2 & WebStorm

21 時間:


14 時間:

Advanced Svelte JS

14 時間:

Introduction to Svelte.js

14 時間:
